Meet the Team
Get to know the other faces (and whiskers) of Isa Pacheco Photography.
Owner & Photographer
Isa Pacheco
The one behind the camera taking adorable pictures while making weird noises to get the attention of the pets! Isa is also the one posting on social media and coming up with new photoshoot ideas.

Dog Whisperer & Partner
Nico Lozupone
Nico is definitely a dog's favourite! He helps with building relationships, brainstorming business ideas and giving loooots of treats to the pets, of course!
The Muse
The first model of Isa Pacheco Photography, Maple is funny and smart! This girl can high five, sit, spin, give paw, and loves to help her humans groom.

Our Angel
Barney is not with us anymore physically, but he will always be with us in our minds and hearts. We love you, Barn!
Want to know a bit more about how we got here?
How Everything Started
Hello, this is Isa! I am the girl behind the camera, photographing adorable cats, dogs and other pets from all ages, shapes and sizes in Barrie, Ontario (+ Greater Toronto Area), and Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I have always been into photography and art. After getting my first camera, around 2013, I photographed women, newborns, families, architecture and food. I took a few courses here and there, and learned a lot by researching and practicing frequently.
After trying so many different photography niches, and not falling in love with any of them, I crossed photography off my list and called it a day. But the universe had other plans, and I stumbled across the incredible world of pet photography. Everything just made sense!
I have had (amazing) pets my entire life, and learned from a very young age to respect and protect every animal. I love how pure they are, their relationships with us, and how they love unconditionally.
Now with my partner, Nico, I am building this small business and my dream photography career slowly but steady. Life is a journey, not a destination. The path is part of it, and I love the one we are taking.